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Mercedes-Benz ‘Skidmarks’

With a 2-year waiting list, Mercedes had no need to advertise it’s new SLK sports car.

However, proud of their new model, they wanted it to become an advertisement for Mercedes.

The brief was simply to show off and celebrate the new car.

I had recently joined Leo Burnett and Mark Tutssel and I were playing around with ideas that dramatised the effect this stunning new car’s looks would have on people.

With this ad we knew we had something good but we didn’t expect it to be as successful as it was.

‘Skidmarks’ won the Cannes Print and Outdoor Grand Prix plus two Gold Lions, a D&AD Silver, a Clio Gold, The Andy Award of Excellence and seven Campaign Press Awards amongst many other awards.

The worldwide Head of Mercedes-Benz loved the ad so much he bought a double page spread and showed it off in Time Magazine.